Today is June 3rd and it's about 63 degrees and partly cloudy... I will repeat - JUNE 3rd and about 60-something degrees. That means cold. For June. Warm for January, but ridiculously COLD for June! What the heck is up with this weather? I know I shouldn't complain, given the much worse weather in Oklahoma (tornados, galore! yet another reason to never live there!), but still... we should be at the pool and on a boat and sweating! not freezing and bundling up in long jeans and sweatshirts. ugh. oh well. enough of that.
So here area couple photos of what's been brewing since I last posted, ohh you know, forever ago!
(photoshop pic courtesy of my high school friend
Rob Hopster and his brilliant imagination!)
OH NO HE DIT-INT! well, kids, YES he did! And I marry him! That was back in April, here we are in June, so I guess i am a tad bit delayed in the fun news. It's been a great time sharing the news with friends and family and thinking up silly ideas for the wedding plans. Maybe more on that later.... And YES, for those who know me, I most certainly am distracting myself constantly by catching a glimpse of this gorgeous new SHINY thing on my finger! SO PRETTY!
Next, I need to give a quick opinion about some mascara I recently tried. I feel like i already wrote about this, but maybe not? Well, because this subject is so near and dear to me I find it necessary to talk about it, maybe even twice.
Last year I used a mascara called Blinc. Every heard about it? Well, it's pretty awesome. Instead of painting your eyelashes, it "tubes" them. What does this mean? Have you ever seen when girls body paint a swimsuit into their nude bodies? Think Sports Illustrated or Playboy... right, they paint their body and to wash it off they have to, you know, suds up and all that paint runs down into the drain. Is everyone picturing this? So somehow my post went a little PG-13, but hold on because it will make sense soon. I hope. OK, so back to painting - the paint on their bodies is like paint on our eyelashes. When we cry (which, we do), or sweat (definitely what I do), get stuck in rainstorms (if your life is a romantic comedy, I guess, and you still look pretty with rained on hair), and wash off mascara, we get that mess of black crap streaking down our faces. gross. Enter our friends at Blinc. They decided to reinvent the process of applying and removing mascara completely! So instead of washing off the body paint think of Marisa Miller simply putting on and taking off clothes! Voila! No messy paint running down her in the shower and into the messy mascara clumps running down our faces and making us look like sad clowns, zombies, or extra creepy mimes. Instead, the mascara tubes just come off like little pieces of rubber, almost! it's seriously the most amazing way to remove mascara, ever. no harsh rubbing, oily remover or stained faces. it comes off so simply I almost can't explain it! (Hence my XXX comparison to body paint versus actual clothing.) Now back to the Blinc review. I love how easily Blinc comes off and it does go on pretty easily as well, although you have to be somewhat quick about it because it seems to dry up a littler faster than normal mascara. The type I used last year was their original formula and brush. My gal pal wears Blinc and it is AWESOME on her. She has the kind of eyelashes that are very long and thinner, so it definitely highlights what gorgeousness she's got going on, naturally. But with me, I have a lot of eyelashes - very thick and have more natural volume, so all Blinc did for me was make me look like I had about 7 really long eyelashes. A cool look, but not best for me on a daily basis. Well, a couple months ago I saw that Sephora had a new Blinc formula and wand made to increase volume (music to my ears!). So I bought it and was sadly disappointed. Although the brush was improved and looked like ti would help fan out the "tubes" a little better than the original formula, it sadly had to go back to Sephora because it still just looked too...spacey? Like I had too much space between my eyelashes? Luckily I have also fallen in luuuurve with the greatest non-waterproof mascara of all time, Benefit, Yes, They're Real! mascara. No joke, if you buy this you will first cringe at the $23 price tag, but after a couple days of rocking these luscious lashes and receiving endless compliments, you'll be so happy you tried it and splurged on it. And yes, you will most likely continue to buy it. I have been using it since maybe October of 2012 and just love it! It makes my nice eyelashes (not trying to brag...but I do seem to get a lot of compliments on them, even sans my Benefit magic!) very nice and is pretty easy to wash off. Now, if I go on a beachy vacation or to the pool (or, hopefully soon, to the BOAT!) I will switch back to my go-to, L'oreal Voluminous waterproof. This is THE BEST waterproof mascara ever invented and I can never get enough of it. It is $6 but I'd pay much more. Much more.
so here is a pic from March...
I think i posted it already, but she really cracks me up
and I had to just get a little more show time with it.
She is hilarious and only getting quirkier and sillier!
and i love it.
What else is going on...hmmm, well we've been looking around a little bit for a new house, but I think we've decided to just redo the kitchen and upstairs bathroom in our own house and stay put a while longer. Let me tell you, it's been a lot of fun thinking about paying for a kitchen and bath reno AND a wedding!! no stress, what so ever! can you sense a little sarcasm? :) just kidding, it could be worse. trust me.
hopefully mother nature wakes up and revs up the temperatures soon. I'd love to have a couple days out on the boat this summer instead of just going to the tanning bed (wait, no I don't do that. uhhh...) and bundling up all the time! trying to stay positive. must stay positive!
Happy Monday...I hope it's a warm and sunny one!