Wednesday, August 7, 2013

PINK FLUFF, i love you.

you guys. 

it's getting closer.

i cannot wait to try THIS. YUM.

i am NOT a "foodie," nor do i frequent any fast food establishments, aside from Yogurt Lab or any variations of it. However, this breakfast taco from Taco Bell looks right up my alley and i would definitely plan for this to be on menu well in advance (read: I would certainly account for these additional calories in my work outs and make sure i "earned" this tasty treat!).  I get excited just thinking about all this breakfasty-goodness! plus syrup!

other exciting things happening in my life (what? you mean in addition to salivating over pictures of fatty fast food online?! yes!) include...ready?... our upstairs bathroom is inching it's way closer to the FINISHED line! we had round II of plastering the sheetrock this morning, and we will have it taped and painted over the next 24-48 hours! Then comes the floor installation, and finally on to the cupboards, toilet, vanity, mirrors, and light! then, VOILA! We will be happily flushin' on the second floor once again! and really, this is a great treat, now that we've moved our bedroom up there. I will try to get some before/during/after photos posted, just as soon as I can! 

lately i have been in some serious love with FLUFF. more specifically, PINK FLUFF. What is Pink Fluff? it's the simplest, most sugary, PINK salad one could ever imagine! My sister's sister in law Janelle, typically brings a Nebraska version (which is the BEST version, really) from Omaha whenever she visits. Last time Janelle was in town I happened to try some of this sugary explosion of pink magic and it was love at first ENORMOUS fluffy bite!! so last week, while bored with my culinary adventures, I decided to get this recipe from Jessica and make my own! I've since made three batches of it and still can't get my fill! here it is, step by step!


 start with pineapple:

add the strawberries...

admire the concoction that looks like 
an image you might find after googling "flesh eating bacteria" 
(no, this means you're on the right track! keep going)

let's get rid of the RED and make our treat PINK! add the wHip!
(silent H? nah) pretty!

here comes the FLUFF!

more stirrin'! and... TADAA!

see the FLUFF in action! nothing accompanies 
a filet and steamed asparagus quite as well 
as PINK FLUFF! (james is such a trooper!)

THAT, my friends, is PINK FLUFF! and it's delicious! I mean, if you're a fan of trashy, high sugar content, easy to chew food. :) yes, this reminds me of something that would be served in the 80s from your great grandma Elda, but still - its so damn good, i don't even care. when it comes to food i do not judge. TRUTH.

and just for sh!ts and giggles, here's a snap of Nash SLEEPING on our bed. NO we did not invite him up there, NO we did not let him stay there, and NO we did not make him lay like this... this is simply NASH being NASH. I don't know how we got so lucky with him! :) love.

he is laying in the dead center of the bed, 
taking up pretty much more space than either james or myself. 
what a lug! lovable lug!

it's thursday-eve (as in wednesday night. on the eve of a much anticipated Thursday!) and I am stoked. cannot wait to get to saturday! why? just, because. i get to lay out and catch some rays, most likely! and maybe even get the boat out on the river! YES! it's been too long!! 

2 more sleeps till the weekend! owwwww!

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