Friday, March 14, 2014

few of my favorite things...

a quick glimpse at things in my life right now...

this juice is really tasty. 

it's about $6 at Starbucks (yeah, crazy, huh??) and i buy one almost every day...we also own a really nice juicer but because of the construction we've had in the kitchen for the last month, it's been out of commission. once we get the kitchen back (so, so close!!) i will up the ante on my home juicing. i just feel like juicing is a great way to get additional vitamins and nutrients that we may otherwise be missing out on each day. plus it's pretty refreshing :) i definitely recommend trying some of this brand's juice, or suja (whole foods) or any other type you can get your hands on... just make sure it is JUICE and not a juice DRINK or SMOOTHIE. chances are that those other two type of juices/drinks are loaded with sugar and other creeper ingredients. stick to just PLAIN JUICE - read the labels and ingredients to make sure you're getting the good stuff and only the good stuff.

my little buddy is going for the gold... 
he loves this bright red Ohio State football pillow thingy. 

HOORAY! and to make this whole thing cuter, the ball turns into Brutus Buckeye as well! you just have to turn it inside out... here's hoping that bb james loves Brutus as much as the football. how wonderful that would be! I can't wait to dress him up in scarlet and gray this fall! wahoo! 

here are (me and) three of my favorite selfie!

right, so it might not be a rival to the one that Ellen and B. Cooper & Co. took at the Academy Awards, but it's still my favorite. and so are these peeps.

my true favorite. 

and of course, the original baby, Nash. 

YES this is how he was choosing to sit. relaxing. chilling... you can't see it, but there was a bottle of beer just outside of this frame. my dog is a stud.

So this is my life. pretty good. surrounded by great things, i can't complain. I mean I still do, of course, but I shouldn't!

oh yeah, an update on the kitchen is coming soooooon. it's looking amazing and we love it. I hope our neighbors to the south love it too, because their kitchen sink window now looks directly into OUR kitchen sink window, which means they can watch me chug chocolate milk RIGHT from the carton, every single morning!! BUSTED.

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