Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mother Nature has a great sense of humor!

it's winter time in Minnesota. January typically brings what I call a "cold snap." well, I think (and hope) we just experienced out annual January cold snap. we had a couple days of crazy gusting winds and highs that did not even reach ZERO DEGREES Fahrenheit. DO you know what that feels like?? no, you probably do not because of the 2 people who read this blog, I doubt either of them are in a climate so similar to mine in Minnesota. BUT in case you DO know what less than zero degrees feels like, for the HIGH, then you get what I am saying! While walking Nash, or even while walking from the car into Target, my lungs start to hurt and feel tingly because the air I'm taking in is that frigid. The little hairs in your nostrils will quickly freeze, and if your scarf is pulled up over your nose and you're out long enough,your eyelashes and eyebrows develop tiny icicles from the moisture of your exhale being directed upward on your face because the scarf is blocking your clean exhale from your mouth. Yeah, it's cold and you feel it everywhere! 

Now, although that may sound like a complaint, it's actually NOT. It's not necessarily a bad thing to experience this type of weather. the key is being prepared for it, both mentally and physically. Dig out the big ol' parka, the moon boots, heavy duty choppers (mittens, not motorcycles), and do NOT forget the scarf and hat! with the proper equipment, and the right attitude, everyone is fine. another plan many people choose to take is to stay indoors. simple enough! do you REALLY have to go out side for very long, anyway? probably not. Monday I had work off (MLK day!) so I decided to celebrate the -14 degree temps all day by plastering some of my walls that were in need of a little touching up. Ain't no thang! I know people who had to work outside all day, and even they said as long as they kept moving, they stayed plenty warm. seems like a no brainer to me! 

if people do choose to venture into the near-tundra like outdoors, perhaps to walk their dog, they are sometimes rewarded with witnessing some pretty unique sights. what do I mean? well, let me demonstrate with the image, below...

think about it.

Yah. James saw this little (....erm, big??) gem down the street from us, outside the cleaner's dryer chute thing. 

what is it? really, you have to ask? 

a penisicle, of course!

is this rare? I think so! I've never seen anything like this - and I am thankful James was brave enough to take his hand out of his glove long enough to snap a pic of this amazing piece of frozen condensation! seriously, could anyone look at this and not instantly giggle? laugh? at least raise an eyebrow?? ha! Mother Nature, in all her humorous glory!!

We drove by this Tuesday and saw that it was already gone. James and I are both pretty sure someone else saw it and didn't have a camera (or realized that a picture just was NOT enough) and stole it. No worry for us, as another one is already forming. I wonder if it will form to this same shape again? Will we ever witness such a piece of natural artwork again?

(And Jill, THIS is the surprise we were talking about on Saturday night... we thought you'd get a great kick out of this. :) Be sure to bring Brutus down to visit it and check in on it's, um, development?) 

too funny. 

so there you have looks like we got a couple good chuckles out of below zero weather for a few days, after all. it's not all that bad!

enjoy your Hump Day today! the weekend is already creepin' in. creep. creep.

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