Thursday, November 29, 2012

beware of the moron ladies!

the return of Thankful Thursday. oops, i forgot about it and instead have just been b!tching on a near-daily basis. my bad. BUT in my defense, one must realize they are not going to be reading about rainbows and butterflies on a blog titled "brattyshack." I'm bratty. if all i wanted to vent about was glitter and fairies, i'd have named the blog but i didn't. so there.

but seriously, I am nice.

so. what is this little rainbow-gushing rosy cheeked lass thankful for today?  am thankful that I did not plow into that lady this morning on my way to work. "that lady" was a moron who, without looking onto the street, flung open her car door (she was a passenger exiting the vehicle) as 30 MPH oncoming traffic was headed down the narrow pavement and barreling by mere inches from her now open door. she then proceeded to glare at me as i continued on my way down the street, as if I had done something wrong! what!? she did not even LOOK (i saw this as I was approaching, luckily, and was well aware that she was not paying attention to the dangers of exiting a small car onto ONCOMING TRAFFIC during rush hour in downtown minneapolis. man, she is lucky I was not a city bus, and that I was paying attention to her idiocracy! (look ma, i made up a new word!) so I am thankful that she didn't ruin my car. ok ok, and thankful that i didn't hit her. and thankful for my awareness. ha! jk.

i am genuinely thankful for 2 things in particular today.

1. my boyfriend's patience. 
I can never say enough about this. he puts up with all of my weirdo-ness, hotheadedness, MY impatientness, (another new word!), and the list is never ending. In gratitude, I will forever happily make him cookies, buy him bacon (the maple kind!), and let him rub my back. :) thank you for being so patience and at least having the wits to act like you understand.

someone decided to take a silly pic in bed the other morning. 
that "someone" was not me, i assure you of that!

2. my boss.
yes! he is a genuinely sweet, warm hearted, generous person who is far more tuned-in to society than he will ever lead on (and more than most will believe!). he has been a unique and rare blessing to work for over the last approximately five years, and I've truly enjoyed every day, even the long ones, that i've gotten to work with him. he is a great leader even when he doesn't mean to be and has forever changed my life. 

as a bonus round, i'd like to submit a 3rd thankful entry (the moron lady doesn't really count). My neighbor Jill (and her fiance of course) has been so much fun in pretty much every setting i've had the pleasure to share with her! whether it be drinking mimosas in Madison or busting butt at OrangeTheory Fitness, we've had much fun together. It's nice to meet someone who is so similarly natured as yourself - it makes the friendship easy. Her laid back, witty and often times wild attitude has been a ball and i am very thankful our paths crossed...errrm, rather our paths conjoined on Lyndale Avenue. 

ok. enough sentimental sweetness. I'm also thankful that the weekend is just around the corner and i get to sleep past 5 AM Saturday morning!! YES. Party in the REM stage!!!!! you know i will.

look out for the moron ladies! 

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for you making me chuckle with your little bratty rainbow-gushing rosy cheeked blog! AND Cute pick - though it is random and you are not all dolled up - it shows the adornment you two have! Love you!
